Tracking Packages with ParcelAlert

multifamily apartment parcel package management nofications property solutions

As more and more residents opt for online shopping and home delivery, properties are struggling to keep up with the ever-increasing number of packages delivered to their offices. Receiving a package for a resident insures that it’s more secure than if it were left on a doorstep, but it can add a considerable logistical burden to property staff. One property estimated that it took personnel between 90 minutes and two hours to receive packages, log them in, and send resident notifications. Every day. Weekends were particularly challenging when only one person was in the office, and perhaps inevitably, they found themselves frequently dealing with lost packages, unclaimed shipments, and packages that weren’t logged correctly. 

Enter ParcelAlert. We’ve designed our package tracking system to streamline your office’s ability to receive and track resident shipments by automating notifications and simplifying the process of logging items in and out. Parcels can be easily scanned and associated with resident name or unit number in a matter of clicks. Notifications are sent automatically based on resident preference, either by email or text. And residents can sign for packages they pick up on a tablet computer, easily updating the package status and reducing the risk of lost items.

The potential time savings are impressive. Using ParcelAlert, the property mentioned above reduced their shipment handling time from nearly two hours each day to a mere 20 minutes. Each week they pull a report of undelivered items and send bulk notifications to all residents who have an unclaimed package waiting in the office, reducing the time needed for the weekly audit. Best of all, ParcelAlert works seamlessly with Property Solutions’ ResidentPortal, LobbyDisplay, SiteTablet, and MessageCenter products, building even more efficiencies into your leasing office workflows.

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