Ode to the Maintenance Man

Since I have recently been working on our new product video for MobilePortal™ that includes a tool for maintenance managers, my thoughts have been turned to these invaluable members of our industry. Having a happy and skilled maintenance and grounds team will help with resident retention, make your property more attractive to visiting prospects, and possibly even help your online ratings and reviews. Maintenance workers are often an overlooked group, so on behalf of the stalwart individuals working behind the scenes Property Solutions held an internal contest to see which employee could write the best maintenance manager poem. The response was great as many PSI employees jumped at the opportunity to sing maintenance man praises, but after much deliberation we were able to pick a winner. Congratulations, Lance Halladay, and thank you for so eloquently expressing the feelings that are in all of our hearts.

__ “Ode to the Maintenance Man”__ By Lance Halladay

People come home to things repaired and replaced, They don’t know about all the problems you faced.

There’s much to be fixed between the windows and walls, But you never flinch whenever maintenance calls.

You do what you do, fixing faucets and doors, Toilets and heaters and cleaning the floors.

You don’t go unnoticed, you don’t go unseen, Since you fixed the light in apartment fourteen.

We have posted our other employee entries as comments and encourage everyone else to post their maintenance manager poems, stories, or good thoughts.

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