Craigslist: Doing it Right

We had a lot of positive feedback from our webinar last month about Craigslist posting. In case you missed it, here are some of the highlights:

Craigslist is one of the top websites searched by prospective renters when they’re looking for a new home. And it’s a great favorite among property managers who want to reach a large prospect pool without spending a lot of money. We’ve been working with a number of clients to develop the kind of Craigslist posting tool that is convenient to use and compliant with the Craigslist Terms of Use.

The Craigslist posting tool is currently available with our ILS Portal product. It will allow you to generate clean, visually appealing ads with just a few clicks. You can manage Craigslist accounts for multiple properties from ResidentWorks. Once each property-specific account is set up, each new ad takes only a few clicks and is ready to post in seconds. Best of all, our tool automatically prevents identical ad re-posts and deletes old ads before new ones are posted, keeping you in Craigslist’s good graces.

We’re hearing new ideas from our clients every day, and we’re working to implement a number of enhancements to our Craigslist posting capabilities. Watch for new features in the coming months, such as a varied selection of ad design templates, more robust lead tracking tools, and additional customization capabilities for ad content. A number of Property Solutions clients have recently begun to take advantage of our simplified Craigslist posting and initial results indicate this product is a winner! If you’re using ILS Portal, contact your account manager for help with Craigslist Posting set-up. Why wait? Save time. Save Money.

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